Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kroger Coupons

Through other blogs I frequent, I found two new websites to use to upload coupons to your Kroger card! I already knew about going to the Kroger site and uploading P & G brand coupons to your card, but now you can use and as well to load coupons right onto your card. The cellfire site says you need a cell phone with texting, but I just entered my home phone number and when I tried to log in later, it worked! Some of these deals match items on sale this week! Plus you can print paper coupons at Match all of these with Kroger sales this week, which are great and you are getting some awesome deals!!!!!!! Please leave a comment on this post letting us know what deals YOU got!


Kerry said...

We just went to Kroger and got $10 off for buying things on that list, plus other coupons....totalling about $45 off! WOW :)

I can't believe I used to not use coupons.

Joy said...

I just went to Kroger finally. I used coupons, coupons, coupons printed from, and newspaper coupons. Before handing over the Kroger card the total was something like $225. After all those coupons plus sales it was around $160! This includes buying all my food for our freezer co-op!